Here is the update. Yesterday’s class was very interesting. We discussed not only the role of technology in making health care more efficient and comprehensive but also the importance of governmental structure. The latter half of the class reminded me much of the Sened’s political science class from last semester.
During the afternoon we went on our first field visit. Even though everyone was in shock as to the poverty and underdevelopment of the community, it was much more developed and had a much higher population than the communities from Mexico last summer. Nonetheless, it was very powerful. We saw the school, the primary health center, the water tower etc…
When we got back to the guest house, we went for a walk to the bakery. I bought Ladu, Sonpapadi and Golojalab (spelling)? They were all very tasty… but the pomegranates from the fruit market downtown still prevails.
After that, we hung out on the balcony on the third floor of the guest house. We were serenaded by the nearby multi-day wedding. After dinner, Eprise, Shawn, Dessa, Sonia, Whitney and I went to a hotel and had a drink during which we ran into the entire ICTPH staff dining. We had some quality conversation and it was a really good time. Ironically, we were not allowed into the bar (since women do not usually drink here and had to drink in the restaurant.
This morning Mukesh, Shawn, Erin L and I went to play basketball at a nearby court. Afterward we did some real work, went downtown for a bit, and am back at the guest house. It has been a good time
Other highlights include that Shawn, Eprise, and Allison are finally going to get their luggage! I also took some pictures and will post them soon. More to come, but that is all for now.
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